The GEMU - Grand Ensemble de Musiques Urbaines is a non-profit organization whose mission is:
- to help revitalize cultural life through the development and production of projects and events artistic endeavors or by participating in such endeavours.
- to promote the talent of local artists by creating local and international influence.
As a corporate citizen, GEMU tries to achieve a balance between its economic, social and environmental interests. The GEMU aims to act in a socially responsible manner and promotes collaborations with partners with similar social and environmental goals.
Since its foundation in 2006, the GEMU has presented more than 100 productions of shows across Quebec in partnership with, among others, the Montreal and Drummondville Symphony Orchestras, the Warwick Cultural Series, Tuxedo Swing Productions, the Montreal and Hull Casinos, the Metropolis, the Cabaret Lion d'Or, the Théâtre de Verdure, the Maisons de la culture du Québec and several foundations such as the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation and the Roncalli International Foundation. During these special productions, collaborations took place with renowned artists such as André Moisan of the OSM, Aline Kutan, Jean-Willy Kunz, Kim Richardson, Serge Postigo, Quatuor Molinari, Canadian Institute of Vocal Art, Bïa, Eric Lapointe and Martin Deschamps.